20,000 Field Officer jobs available nationwide for 2021 Census: Australia

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is currently recruiting 20,000 Census Field Officers across the country to help deliver the 2021 Census.

Field Officers are a crucial workforce that will help people throughout Australia to participate in the upcoming 2021 Census.

Field Officers assist the ABS at a local level by delivering Census instructions and forms and by visiting households that have not yet responded.

The ABS will recruit locally to ensure Field Officers are familiar with the local area.

Andrew Henderson, Census Executive Director and National Spokesperson said, "Field Officers play a vital role as they promote Census participation and answer peoples' questions.

"Helping members of the public who need special support to complete the Census is a key role for our Field Officers.

"We want to recruit motivated people who are keen to tell their community's story through the successful collection of Census data. Previous experience isn't a requirement and training will be provided prior to commencing the job.

"We are also recruiting people who can speak a language other than English as part of the job," Mr Henderson said.

The roles are short-term and available in all cities, towns and regional areas nationwide. The flexible working hours are variable and will include weekdays, weekends and evenings.

Applicants are encouraged to view the applicant information kit and apply early as jobs are expected to fill quickly.

It takes approximately 15 minutes to apply at www.censusjobs.adecco.com.au.

These roles are among 38,000 temporary jobs created to successfully deliver the 2021 Census.

The 2021 Census is on Tuesday 10 August 2021. It is Australia's 18th Census.

/ABS Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.