Anupam Sharma Named Australia Day Ambassador

Mr Anupam Sharma

Anupam Sharma has been announced as the 2024 Australia Day Ambassador for the Federation Council Local Government area. Anupam will be joining us at the Awards Ceremony at the Paradise Palladium Theatre in Morundah on Friday 26th January.

Federation Council Mayor, Cr Patrick Bourke said, "We are looking forward to hosting Anupam Sharma to the Federation region for Australia Day. His presence will provide a valuable opportunity for the local community to gain insights into his innovative filmmaking and vast experiences."

Anupam Sharma is a filmmaker, speaker and author who was named as one of the fifty most powerful & influential Australian film professionals by Encore magazine. Anupam is the founding head of films & casting TEMPLE, a prolific and award-winning international production & consultancy firm based out of Fox-Studios, Sydney. Anupam has led a team of film professionals, line producing, co-producing, and executive producing international films, festivals, and TV in Australia, mainly from India and few from China, USA, and Denmark on over 290 projects in the last 21 years. With feature films as his forte, Anupam directed multimillion dollar indie Australian romantic comedy unINDIAN starring Australian cricketer Brett Lee and internationally acclaimed actress Tannishtha Chatterjee. David Stratton, Australia's most respected film critic said "The film is engaging in its cheerful celebration of community".

Anupam Sharma is honoured to be an Australia Day Ambassador five years in a row. Australia Day Ambassadors generously volunteer their time and share their story at hundreds of community events. For more than 30 years, Ambassadors have inspired thousands of people in activities as diverse as the communities themselves, and 2024 will be no different.

Federation Council's 2024 Australia Day Awards and Ceremony serves as a celebration of our diverse society and achievements, as well as the rich local Aboriginal history and culture. It is an opportunity to reflect on and acknowledge the country's past, present, and future, and to come together as a community to celebrate what it means to be Australian.

The ceremony commencing at 10am will include the announcement of the Federation Council Citizen of the Year Award, Young Citizen of the Year Award, Community Group the Year Award, the Local Achiever Award as well as recognition of the Student Achiever Award recipients. Live entertainment and a complimentary lunch will follow the ceremony.

Residents are encouraged to register their attendance for catering purposes. Registrations can be made with Council via the website

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