Armadale bushfire - information sought

Strike Force Vulcan officers are investigating a bushfire in Armadale that occurred about 11am yesterday, 21 December 2019.

The fire started in bushland at the intersection of Ranford and Armadale Roads and the cause of the fire is being treated as suspicious.

Department of Fire and Emergency Services attended and extinguished the fire which burnt through a large section of bush, with several roads closed most of the afternoon.

Police would like to speak to the man pictured who was seen walking near the intersection around the time of the fire as he may be able to assist with the investigation. He is described as 18 to 20 years of age, with dark or tanned skin, with a slim build, short brown hair and was wearing a black or grey t-shirt and grey long pants.

Anyone with information regarding this fire or who saw any suspicious people or vehicles, or has dash-cam vision taken in the vicinity of the fire, is urged asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report online at Callers may remain anonymous if they wish.

Rewards of up to $50,000 are available for information that leads to the identification and conviction of an arsonist.

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