Bupa Celebrates Health in All Its Forms

Bupa has partnered with world-renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz on a campaign to help break the

The international survey of 5000 people, conducted by Mortar Research, revealed more than four in five (84%) of Australians feel health is often misrepresented in society, with more than a third (41%) believing health is frequently shown as a one-size-fits-all approach. And they aren't alone, with people in the UK and Spain sharing similar views.

While the majority (55%) of Australians recognise role models can inspire positive health changes such as staying active (54%) and building self-belief (21%), almost a third (31%) want to see more fitness abilities and body types portrayed in the media.

Leibovitz, renowned for her iconic portraits has captured what health means to six Para athletes with captivating portraits that celebrate health in all its forms.

Curtis McGrath OAM, an Australian Paralympic multi-gold medallist in Para-canoe and former soldier who was photographed along the River Seine, said he was proud to be selected to represent Australia in the global campaign.

"I was thrilled to be chosen to be part of this amazing campaign and help shift the way we talk about health. For me, health is independence. Being happy, fit and doing the things I want to do when I can. And that means a lot," Curtis said.

Bupa's Chief Customer and Transformation Officer, Danielle Handley, said the Picture of Health campaign aimed to inspire a conversation about what true health is, and what it can be.

"Every day, we're bombarded with images about what being 'healthy' looks like, and often it isn't truly reflective of the diverse nature of our community, and positive physical and mental health. What it means to be healthy is different for everyone and there shouldn't be a one-size-fits-all approach," Ms Handley said.

"We wanted to start this with a series of dynamic and striking photos that could inspire people to share their own Pictures of Health. Given her fame for capturing the stories of the people she works with, Annie Leibovitz was the perfect photographer to help bring Picture of Health to life and showcase what health means for each of our six athletes."

To celebrate health in all its forms and add to the captivating line-up of images shot by Annie Leibovitz, Bupa is calling on people across the globe to upload their own Picture of Health and show what being and feeling healthy really means to them in its online gallery between 21 May to 21 June 2024.

Those uploading their photos in Australia also have the chance to win tickets to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games this August. Visit bupapictureofhealth.com

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