Canada, Nova Scotia Join Forces for Barrier-Free Nation

Accessibility Standards Canada

Accessibility Standards Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of Justice have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate in their work to develop accessibility standards. The agreement will improve efforts, coordination, and the sharing of resources dedicated to creating a Canada without barriers.

This MOU encourages both parties to consider each other's respective accessibility priorities. This may include aligning or harmonizing work on the development, review, and implementation of accessibility standards, where possible. It may also include the promotion, support, and conduct of research.

  • It makes sure that standards fully reflect the needs of people with disabilities, regardless of jurisdiction.
  • It reduces the potential for differing accessibility standards, ensuring a seamless and inclusive accessibility experience across Canada.
  • It promotes equity, and consistency of accessibility for people with disabilities as they live, work, and travel in Canada.

Accessibility Standards Canada is committed to working with all provinces and territories to create similar agreements. Together, we can deliver on our respective accessibility mandates while contributing to a Canada without barriers.

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