Canning Vale serious crash 29 July

Officers from the Major Crash Investigation Section are seeking information regarding a serious crash that occurred in Canning Vale yesterday, Thursday 28 July 2022.

About 10.55pm a black Holden Commodore sedan and a red Honda Accord collided on Ranford Road, just prior to the Livingstone Drive intersection in Canning Vale.

The 22-year-old male driver of the Honda along with a 25-year-old female passenger, received serious injuries in the crash and were conveyed to Royal Perth Hospital.

The 28-year-old male driver of the Commodore received minor injuries.

Major Crash investigators are conducting an examination of the scene and are appealing for anyone who saw the crash, or the Holden Commodore or Honda Accord travelling in the area prior to the crash, to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report the information online at

Dash-cam or mobile phone vision relating to this crash can be uploaded directly to investigators via the following link:

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