Cast your vote and have say on Minister's Recreational Fishing Advisory Council

Public voting to fill four of nine positions on the Minister's Recreational Fishing Advisory Council (MRFAC) opens today.

Guided by an independent chair, the MRFAC is South Australia's peak recreational fishing advisory council, providing direct feedback and advice to the Marshall Liberal Government on recreational fishing development, initiatives and policies.

Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, David Basham, said he was pleased with the quality of the nominees received during the submission period and encouraged the recreational fishing community to cast their vote on who will represent them on this important committee.

"The MRFAC provides crucial advice to the Marshall Government on behalf of the recreational fishing community to help grow and develop recreational fishing in this state." Minister Basham said.

"A total of 15 nominations were received, with an independent panel assessing those to determine that all of them are eligible candidates.

"Those candidates are now being put to public vote for the crucial positions. The responsibility of these roles is significant.

"We know the economic benefits and social rewards of fishing are huge for so many South Australians. Fishing greatly impacts the regions, supports the local economy and creates jobs.

"I urge anyone with an interest in recreational fishing to go online and make the most of this important opportunity to have a say in who represents them on this significant body."

Three of the positions are for general representation, while the fourth specifically represents the South East region of South Australia. Voting closes on 22 October.

The council plays a key role in the policy and planning discussions for the state's recreational fishing sector, recently delivering the Recreational Fishing Strategy for South Australia.

The strategy outlines four key pillars for the future of the sector – growth, delivery, partnerships, knowledge and information.

Visit – an authentication process, including the provision of a verification code, must be undertaken to enrol as a voter.

Minister Basham said to ensure continuity of the MRFAC, four positions would be filled through the election process now, and five positions would be up for election in 2022.

The candidates are:

Laurie Broomhead, from Hazelwood Park.

Barry Brown, from Hindmarsh Island.

Christopher Coulson, from Craigmore.

Timothy Doyle, from Port Lincoln.

Peter Dunnicliff, from Millicent.

Geoff Gallasch, from Meningie.

Richard Inwood, from Springton and American River.

Jeffrey Laubsch, from Marino.

Dave McDonald, from Semaphore.

Lisa Michalanney, from Adelaide.

Marrack Payne, from Mount Barker.

Ian Roberts, from Price.

Anthony Skara, from Glenelg North.

Maurie Vast, from Fulham.

Robert Wilson, from Hillcrest.

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