Community forums to discuss March flood event

Kempsey Shire Council


In the wake of major flooding in March that inundated properties, closed and damaged infrastructure, disrupted essential services and isolated communities across the Mid North Coast, the NSW SES will be hosting a series of community flood forums in 12 locations over the next 3 months.

The flood forums aim to gather community feedback on the record rain and flood event and to identify opportunities for the NSW SES to partner with residents and businesses to improve local flood preparation, response and transition to recovery arrangements.

The first of the forums will be for residents and businesses on Port Macquarie's Northside on Tuesday 11th May at the NSW Rural Fire Service North Shore Station on Shoreline Drive starting at 7:00pm.

Other locations for NSW SES post-event flood forums include Manning Point, Camden Haven, Lower Macleay, Wauchope, Macksville, Settlement Point and Port Macquarie CBD, Wingham, Taree, Kempsey CBD, Stuarts Point and Kendall. From the 12th March to the 27th March NSW SES volunteers across the Mid North Coast responded to 3182 calls for emergency flood and storm assistance including conducting 660 flood rescues, 178 flood isolation resupply jobs and 60 emergency medical transportations as parts of the Hastings and Manning catchments saw 1 in 100-year flood levels.

NSW SES Zone Commander Chief Superintendent Stephen Patterson said, "The forums will focus on learning the lessons from this major event so that we can better prepare for, respond to and cope with future flood events."

Chief Superintendent Patterson continued by saying, "The forums will be facilitated by an independent facilitator. After the forum participants will receive a written report summarising community feedback. The forum report will then provide a starting point to discuss the types of activities and programs that are needed to consolidate and increase community resilience."

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