Dangerous driving charge, Elimbah

A 21-year-old man and 14-year-old boy have been charged, following an incident involving an allegedly stolen vehicle at Elimbah overnight.

Around 8.20pm on Monday January 31 police located a LDV SUV station wagon, allegedly stolen from Coopers Plains on January 26, in a carpark on Beerburrum Road.

When officers pulled over near the vehicle, it's alleged the driver reversed into the police vehicle and drove away.

Polair tracked the vehicle to Beerburrum-Woodford Road, where a Tyre Deflation Device (TDD) was successfully deployed, puncturing the station wagon's four tyres.

The vehicle continued onto Beerburrum Road, allegedly driving onto the wrong side of the road, before crashing into a stationary police vehicle at the intersection of Soldier Road.

The station wagon has then left the roadway and crashed into a tree.

The four occupants ran from the vehicle and were taken into custody a short time later. They sustained minor injuries and were treated by paramedics.

A 21-year-old Logan Central man has been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, evading police and driving without a license.

He'll appear in Caboolture Magistrates Court today, Tuesday February 1.

A 14-year-old boy has been charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle and will appear before Wynnum Children's Court.

A 41-year-old police officer was taken to hospital with minor injuries.

Vision: https://d2haxmvzil2swt.cloudfront.net/uploads/2022/02/01/145154_Polair_Elimbah.mp4

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

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