Driver Charged Following Critical Injury Crash in Blue Mountains

One woman has been charged, and a second woman critically injured in a crash in the Blue Mountains yesterday.

Just before 4.30pm today (Thursday 14 September 2023), emergency services were called to Great Western Highway, Mount Victoria, following reports of a two-vehicle collision.

The driver of a Toyota Yaris – a 51-year-old woman - was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics on scene before being airlifted to Westmead Hospital in a critical condition.

The driver of a Ford Ranger utility – a 28-year-old woman – and her passenger, a 16-month-old baby, were treated for minor injuries before being taken to Katoomba Hospital, where the driver also underwent mandatory testing.

Officers attached to Blue Mountains Police Area Command established a crime scene and, with the assistance of specialist officers from Metropolitan Crash Investigation Unit, commenced inquiries into the cause of the collision.

Police will allege in court the woman struck two other vehicles on the Great Western Highway, before the Mt Victoria crash.

Officer seized prohibited drugs when the vehicle was searched; the ute has now been seized for forensic examination.

Upon release at hospital, the younger woman was arrested and taken to Katoomba Police Station, where she was charged with eight offences:

- Dangerous driving occasion grievous bodily harm – drive manner dangerous

- Negligent driving (occasions grievous bodily harm),

- Fail to stop and assist after vehicle impact causing grievous bodily harm

- Drive motor vehicle during disqualification period (second offence),

- Possess prohibited drug

- Drive with child (older than six months but younger than four years) not restrained, and

- Two counts of not give particulars to other driver.

The Kelso woman was bail refused to appear before Penrith Local Court today (Friday 15 September 2023).

Police will allege in court that the woman crashed into two other vehicles while travelling on the Great Western Highway, in the lead up to this crash.

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