Durham Philosopher Named BBC New Generation Thinker

Durham University

Dr Jack Symes stood in front of a wall. The text reads BBC New Generation Thinker

Dr Jack Symes has been recognised as one of the UK's most promising arts and humanities early career researchers.

Jack, who works in our Philosophy department, has been named one of the BBC's 2024 New Generation Thinkers, a prestigious award, which is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Researchers at the beginning of their academic careers are invited to submit their ideas to impress BBC Radio 4 producers and share their research on national radio.

A tough application process

Hundreds of applications were submitted before being whittled down to a final shortlist. The winners were announced on a New Thinking episode of the Arts & Ideas podcast, hosted by former New Generation Thinker, Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough.

Jack, whose research focusses on exploring new approaches to the philosophy of religion, was one of 10 chosen to receive the accolade. This means he will now work with BBC Radio 4 producers, appearing on the radio station throughout the year.

A great opportunity

I feel immensely grateful to the people who helped me get here. There are so many people who contribute to the projects that I work on, and I'm honoured to have them in my life. Without their support, this award wouldn't have been possible.

Dr Jack Symes
Durham Philosophy department, author and Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast

The award comes as Jack releases the third book of his career called 'Defeating the Evil-God Challenge' on Thursday 16 May.

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