Easter Choices That Aren't So Eggscellent

Six men are going to have to hop to their Easter celebrations this long weekend after having their vehicles impounded in Melbourne's eastern suburbs.

Highway Patrol officers detected a 24-year-old Malvern East man allegedly driving unlicensed along Browns Road in Clayton, about 9.15am yesterday. He was intercepted and had his vehicle impounded at a cost of $913.

A short time later a vehicle was stopped at a PBT site on Mitcham Road in Mitcham. The driver allegedly returned a positive preliminary breath test. He later returned a reading of 0.162. The 49-year-old Boronia man had his license immediately suspended and his car was impounded at a cost of $1042.

Highway Patrol officers detected an alleged unlicensed driver on the Eastern Freeway in Blackburn North, about 11.15am. A 29-year-old Launching Place man had his car impounded at a cost of $950.

Officers later observed an alleged disqualified driver on Burke Road in Kew, about 12.15pm. A 45-year-old Mornington man had his vehicle impounded at a cost of $913.

Police then observed a suspended driver travelling along Victoria Crescent in Mont Albert, just after 1pm. A 21-year-old Box Hill man was spoken to and had his car impounded at a cost of $913.

Overnight, police observed a Ford Falcon travelling at a fast rate of speed on the Monash Freeway in Chadstone. Officers allege the vehicle was detected driving at 149km/h in 100 km/h zone, about 12:30am this morning. The driver, a 22-year-old Greenvale man, had his vehicle impounded at a cost of $896. His three passengers were left to find their own way home.

All six men will appear in court at a later date.

These impounds form part of Operation Nexus, which is statewide road policing operation targeting impaired driving, speed, distraction, fatigue and seatbelt non-compliance in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, in an effort to drive down road trauma. Police could be anywhere, anytime this Easter. Operation Nexus runs until 11:59pm Monday 1 April 2024.

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