Final chance to bathe in light of Parrtjima 2022

NT Government

Parrtjima - A Festival in Light has been illuminating the Red Centre at Alice Springs Desert Park since 8 April, and this weekend is the final chance for people to marvel at the large-scale light installations, view the light show on the MacDonnell Ranges, and participate in the packed program of live music, workshops, talks, film and more.

Closing weekend of the free festival includes acclaimed singer Dan Sultan, Aussie rapper Barkaa, and Eastern Reggae Band live on stage. There will be workshops, a bushfood demonstration and talks with a range of Aboriginal identities, including Steven Oliver of Black Comedy fame, and NRL legend Josh Addo-Carr.

Araluen Arts Centre is hosting a retrospective of acclaimed Alice Springs screenwriter, director and cinematographer Warwick Thornton's work. Music and talks are ticketless events. For ticketed events (workshops and film), some tickets are available on the door, or visit the website to find out more.

Parrtjima has drawn thousands of people to the Red Centre, and Alice Springs is busy with visitors eager to experience the region's unique tourism offerings. Parrtjima - A Festival in Light ends on Sunday, 17 April 2022. Register for free at []

Quotes from NT Major Events Company CEO Tim Watsford:

"An action-packed week of Parrtjima has seen Alice Springs Desert Park bustling with activity into the night, with Territorians and visitors enjoying everything the festival has to offer, which is plenty.

"With such a wide-ranging program, there is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you're into music, craft, film, talks, or you simply want to soak up the extraordinary light installations under a star-studded Alice Springs night sky.

"Parrtjima takes place once a year, so this weekend is your last chance to experience this wonderful festival for another 12 months. Don't miss out!"

Picture caption: Night Sky, 'Dreamy' by Carmen Glynn-Braun

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