Fire and Emergency Services Minister signs disaster declaration for Gladstone region

Fire and Emergency Services Minister Craig Crawford has declared a disaster situation in response to the Central Queensland fires.

The Minister signed the disaster declaration for the Gladstone local government region, including the areas of Baffle Creek Catchment, Wartburg, Deepwater, Agnes Water, Round Hill, Miriam Vale and Bororen.

"These areas are under severe threat of fire or have already been hit by fire and the disaster declaration will ensure that the necessary agencies, including fire and emergency services and police have the powers they need to respond effectively," he said.

"This includes giving police the power to forcibly remove residents and to stop them returning to their homes until it is completely safe.

"I urge people to stay informed through their local media outlets and through social media about the conditions in their areas and take the advice of authorities.

"What we are seeing around Agnes Water is unprecedented and we need to look out for each other and for the emergency services who are working with us and for us."

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