Free Child Restraint Check - 14 November in Mulwala and Howlong


It's one of the simplest road safety initiatives that we can control - the choice to wear a correctly fitted restraint. This includes the decision to wear an approved helmet if you're a motorcycle rider and of course to use a correctly fitted child seat for our most vulnerable passengers, our children.

Between January 2017 and December 2021, there were 101 casualties in 80 crashes on Federation Council roads, of which 8 casualties (7.9%) were not wearing a correctly fitted restraint. This is above both the South Region average (3.2%) and the State average (2.9%).

To address this road safety priority, Federation Council will host a free Child Restraint Check Day in Mulwala and Howlong on Monday 14 November 2022.

Howlong's session will be held in the Car Park at Little Ones Early Learning Centre from 9:30-11am. Mulwala's session will be held in the Car Park at the rear of Mulwala Library Civic Centre from 2-3:30pm. Bookings are essential for either session. Please head to Council's website to reserve your spot by following the links on our home page.

Federation Council Mayor Pat Bourke strongly stresses the importance of having your child's car seat restraint checked at one of these sessions. "Our previous child restraint check days ensured that some of our youngest residents are now safely secured when travelling in a vehicle, as key safety issues were identified and addressed on the spot. In addition, parents received valuable education regarding the correct fitting of their vehicle's child restraints from our accredited restraint fitter, Brad Blackburn of Cotmakers Wagga", Mayor Bourke said.

"If you have a family, please ensure that your child seats are correctly fitted. That one simple safe act on your part, might just save your life or that of a loved one".

To book in, complete the online form available from Council's website.

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