Free Green Organics Drop Off Days to help with bushfire season preparations

​Bushfire season is approaching and with fires raging in NSW and QLD residents should be very aware of the devastating potential of not preparing.

To help residents prepare, Council has approved a series of free green organics drop off days* in the coming months.

9:00am - 4:00pm, proof of residency required:

Saturday 26 October 2019 | Gumeracha, Woodside, Heathfield

Wednesday 30 October 2019 | Woodside

Wednesday 13 November 2019 | Heathfield

Sunday 17 November 2019 | Gumeracha, Woodside, Heathfield

Wednesday 4 December 2019 | Gumeracha

Saturday 7 December 2019 | Gumeracha, Woodside, Heathfield

For details of drop off locations and what is and is not accepted, please see our Waste and Recycling webpage.

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