Free Sunshine Coast winter school holiday activities

Become an Agent of Discovery

Turn your kids into nature agents at the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden or the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary. Download the free Agents of Discovery app, choose a mission and go on a self-guided tour to unlock nature's secrets. Great for ages five to 10 years.

Enter a realistic bird art competition

Does your child like to draw birds? Unleash their creativity and enter their art into the competition for realistic Australian bird art. They would be in with the chance to win a share of $1000, donated by the Friends of Caloundra Regional Gallery. The Holmes Prize for Realistic Australian Bird Art is a children's art exhibition with three age categories – Under eight years, Under 13 years and Under 18 years. Entries close 15 August, 2020.

Try A Forest in My Pocket thanks to Horizon Festival

Horizon has teamed up with illustrator and animator Helena Papageorgiou to create this magical, augmented reality adventure for children. With a little help from parents, your child will be lead on a trail of discovery to find magic in their homes and little worlds in their backyards. A Forest in My Pocket uses print-at-home images that come to life via augmented reality using the EyeJack app. Available from 1 July.

Go on a drive through the hinterland to Montville's Russell Family Park

Pack a picnic and explore the upgraded Russell Family Park at 198 Main Street, Montville. Recently completed, the cone-structured playground stands just under 10 metres high with butterflies eclipsing the tip of the equipment. The park also includes a spinner bowl, waterlily spring toy and slippery slide twisting to the ground. There's great interweaving pathways so don't forget the scooter! Great for the whole family.

Collect a children's art activity kit thanks to the Caloundra Regional Gallery

Call into Caloundra Regional Gallery during the school holidays and collect a free children's activity kit. The gallery is unable to host public programs at the moment, so they have created a limited number of take-home kits from Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art's (QAGOMA) Island Fashion on Tour just for our younger artists. The pack contains materials and instructions for three fun-filled activities:

• Sasi, Pera, Lagi – Of The Ocean, Land and Sky - Use patterns to create beautiful textile designs

• Get Your Weave On – create a woven accessory

• Ula Taim – create a neckpiece, wristband or anklet

Once finished, you can send a photo of your creation to the gallery so they can share it online. Island Fashion on Tour is a free QAGOMA Touring program available to regional Queensland communities. Visit

Try the great botanic race

If you've got older kids, head to the Maroochy Bushland Botanic Garden to try the great botanic race. Grab a map from the front entry and explore the gardens on this self-guided orienteering challenge. Kids will need to find the mapped points to solve the puzzle along the way. Great for ages 10 years and older.

Go on an adventure

Search Adventure Sunshine Coast for a walk, ride or paddle and explore a part of the Sunshine Coast you've never been to before. Visit the site to find over 150 walking, paddling, cycling, mountain biking and horse-riding trails. Just select your activity, experience level and where. You'll get a full list of adventures with trail maps, pictures, reviews and tips. Whether you need to challenge your teens or wear out the younger ones, you'll find a free adventure. The hardest part will be choosing! Great for all ages.

Roll through the Peregian Springs Multipurpose Active Play Space

Grab a ball, pack a skateboard or scooter and take a drive to the north of the region to the new active play space at 222 The Avenue, Peregian Springs. With a new skate area, basketball court, netball hoop and barbecue facilities – there is definitely lots of fun to be had! Great for older kids.

Get arty with free online art lessons

Try painting without a brush, learn to make easy goop or make exploding volcanoes with the Caloundra Regional Gallery's free online art lessons. Great for school age kids.

Snuggle up with the Winter Reading Challenge

If you and your kids love reading, then you'll love the Winter Reading Challenge. Borrow or download a bunch of books, find a comfy reading spot and join in the fun! It's great for all ages can with four categories – Parents and Toddlers zero to five years; Children six to 12 years; Young Adults 13 to 17 years and Adults 18+.

The Winter Reading Challenge kicks off Friday 26 June. Simply register and create an account in Sunshine Coast Libraries official Beanstack site. If you have taken part in a Beanstack challenge before, simply sign into Beanstack using your existing account details. Win great prizes like a $50 local book store gift voucher.

Join in with Rhymes with Ryan

Join Ryan from Sunshine Coast Libraries every Monday at 6.30pm on Sunshine Coast Libraries Facebook for a fun-filled session of songs and rhymes. If you can't make it on Monday visit the library website to watch past episodes. Great for younger kids.

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