Funding Secured For Camerons Lane Interchange

Mitchell Shire Council has welcomed the significant funding commitment of $750 million from the Federal Government for the Camerons Lane interchange on the Hume Freeway at Beveridge.

This takes the total Federal Government commitment towards the project to $900 million.

Camerons Lane interchange will unlock 20,000 jobs and more than 30,000 homes making it a truly transformational investment for Victoria's fastest growing community.

This funding will see a full diamond interchange constructed on the Hume Freeway at Beveridge providing essential connections to Melbourne and regional Victoria.

This critical piece of infrastructure is essential for the development of the Beveridge Intermodal Precinct (BIP) and the future Northern Freight Precinct.

This investment is the next stage in the ongoing commitment the Federal Government has made to the BIP. Mitchell Shire Council has continued to support the development of the BIP which will bring much needed jobs to the region.

Beveridge's population is projected to double every five years. The BIP will provide much needed local jobs to support this growth.

Mitchell Shire Mayor Councillor Louise Bannister said the Camerons Lane interchange had been a top priority for Council and the local community for many years.

"This is a fantastic example of the delivery of much needed infrastructure to support growing communities," Cr Bannister said.

"The BIP will fundamentally reshape freight and logistics on Australia's Eastern seaboard, it is very exciting that Beveridge and Mitchell Shire sit at the heart of this transformation.

"This transformative project is projected to create approximately 20,000 jobs in our region, both during construction and ongoing operations.

"We're really excited about the opportunity the Camerons Lane interchange will bring to unlock development in the BIP. We can't wait see local jobs on the ground for our community."

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