Greens announce Ciara Denham as candidate for Tweed

Australian Greens

Tweed (Bundjalung country): The Greens NSW have named Tweed local Ciara Denham as the candidate for the state seat of Tweed in the upcoming NSW election.

"The Tweed has been challenged by floods and skyrocketing cost of living prices, having a Greens voice in NSW Parliament that is willing to tackle these crises head on is more important than ever," Greens NSW MP and Northern Rivers local Sue Higginson said.

"A vote for Ciara in the Tweed and the Greens in the Upper House is an important opportunity to draw the much needed attention to the Tweed and push the next government to go further and faster to deliver real outcomes on climate, environmental protection and the cost of living for the people of the Tweed.," Ms Higginson said.

"I came to live in Australia fifteen years ago and have been working in conservation and community development in Australia for over a decade - I've seen first hand the mismanagement previous administrations, whether they be NSW Labor or the current tired, old Liberal/ Nationals 'coalition', have had on this state - something has to change," Ciara Denham, Greens candidate for the seat of Tweed said.

"We need more Greens in the NSW Parliament if we are to tackle the climate and housing crises facing us right now - these crises are all too real and the people of the north of NSW have seen first hand the disastrous implications for inaction on addressing them," she said.

"We have had 11 years of this tired Liberal/ Nationals government in NSW and it is abundantly clear, as we saw at the recent Federal and local Government elections, that support for the Greens is strong and growing.

"People want to see real, positive change and the influence of the cross-bench has never been more vital," she said.

"Greens seats like Ballina, Balmain and Newtown show pretty clearly what real, strong Greens representation in the NSW Parliament looks like for those communities and for the State more generally - and we are in desperate need of more of it.

"For such a wealthy country Australia could be a world leader in sustainability and social justice. I want to see that happen at a local level in Tweed as this is now our home - and like everyone else in Tweed - I want a resilient community for our children, not one ravaged by the full impacts of a rapidly changing climate," Ciara said.

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