Kiama tops top small towns list

Kiama Council


Mayor Neil Reilly has welcomed the news Kiama has topped the list of best small towns in NSW according to a study conducted by The Australian newspaper.

The Australian looked at 752 small towns across Australia and ranked the best ones in each state, with Kiama ranked number one in NSW.

"I'd say this is exciting, and no surprise to anyone who has spent any time here, it's just further confirmation of what our residents and regular visitors have known for a long time," Cr Reilly said.

"I've said before: I have the privilege to be the Mayor of the best bit of the best nation, the municipality of Kiama."

"I'm just surprised it's taken this long for others to find this out."

The Australian considered criteria such as prosperity, skills, diversity and wellness in the 752 towns.

The top towns were:

  • Kiama, New South Wales
  • Tamborine Mountain, Queensland
  • Mount Barker, South Australia
  • Dunsborough, Western Australia
  • Bright, Victoria
  • Legana, Tasmania

The results were based on data from the 2012 Census of towns people living in urban centres ranging between 1,000 and 50,000 residents.

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