Message From General Manager 26 November

As we experience more inclement weather across Dungog Shire, we ask everyone to please take care when traveling on our roads.

The wet weather has now caused several bridges and roads to be closed across the shire, and you can read all of the latest updates and information over on our Facebook page.

I'd also like to thank our crews for their fast and effective work in removing any debris, which will enable us to reopen these roads and bridges as soon as the weather conditions allow, and we're safely able to do so.

The Hunter SES has now issued a Flood Watch for the Goulburn, Wollombi and Hunter Catchments, and warns that we'll likely see more severe thunderstorm and weather warnings issued over the next few days.

You can follow their Facebook page for all the latest weather updates.

With all of the heavy rain predicted to be coming our way, please stay safe and dry, and take extra care while traveling.

And with only 29 sleeps left until Christmas, council has finalised its arrangements for the upcoming Christmas and New Year period.

Please find following details regarding council's services and operations over this time:

Council Admin Facilities

Council's Administration Centre and phone coverage will close at 12.30pm on Friday 24 December 2021. Council's Administration Centre, Service NSW, Library and Planning Services will all reopen on Monday 3 January 2022.

Visitor Information Centre

Dungog's Visitor Information Centre (VIC) will close at 12.30pm on Friday 24 December 2021 and will reopen again on Monday 27 December 2021. It will also be closed on New Year's Day, Saturday 1 January 2022.

Waste Management Facility

Council's Waste Management Facility will be closed on Christmas Day (Saturday 25 December 2021) and New Year's Day (Saturday 1 January 2022). Waste Collection will not be affected.

Depot Operations

The Depot will be closed to the public from 4.30pm on Thursday 23 December 2021 and resume standard operations on Monday 3 January 2022. There will be a reduced number of outdoor staff working throughout the Christmas/New Year period providing toilet cleaning, street cleaning, parks and gardens, and tar patching services.

Christmas Function - Friday 17 December 2021

A staff Christmas function will take place from 1pm to 3pm on Friday 17 December 2021.

The Administration Centre, Waste Facility, Depot, Library and VIC facilities will be closed from 12pm on 17 December to allow staff to attend. COVID-19 Public Health Orders and social distancing requirements will be in force at the event.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.