Million more reasons to Road Trip this winter & support regional Queensland

Caravan Industry Association Australia

One lucky camper will be offered a chance to win $1,000,000 by simply enjoying a road trip and supporting Queensland tourism, how good is that!

Queenslanders have made an astonishing effort caravanning and camping this year- reaching 105% above Pre Covid levels, but regional businesses still face an uncertain winter season, recovering the strong border restrictions throughout the pandemic and recent weather events.

When campers travel and visit a region, all local businesses benefit, as visitors enjoy local attractions and dining experiences. With winter such a popular time to travel in Queensland due to our amazing weather, this is the time to capitalise on these visitors.

"Winter brings an influx of southerners to Queensland each year, and why wouldn't it, with our wonderful winter weather and amazing landscapes and attractions."

"We want to see both Queenslanders and guests from interstate stay longer and travel further and this campaign is a great incentive to do so."

"These visitors support the many communities right across Queensland, putting money directly into the hands of small businesses right across the state at a time when they need it most," said Michelle Weston, Chief Executive Officer of Caravan Parks Association of Queensland.

With Australians falling in love with camping and wanting to reconnect with the simpler things in life, the aim is to encourage all Australians and the 201,477 registered RVs in Queensland to take a winter trip.

There are multiple physical and emotional benefits to a camping trip, which can be accessed through merely looking to reconnect with a simpler life, visiting family and friends, enjoying nature and being outdoors.

With an aim to reconnect Australians to regional Queensland, the competition entry system is based on a zoning system collaborating with over 315 caravan parks right across the state, from the Gold Coast to Birdsville, and from Stanthorpe to the tip of the Cape.

"Taking one extra camping trip this winter, it's not only good for your wellness and happiness, but it also supports regional tourism and puts the money directly into the hands of small business," said Keelan Howard, the General Manager of Marketing at Caravan Industry Association of Australia.

The further away participants camp from Brisbane, the more points they will accrue.

With petrol and diesel prices rising, this campaign gives people even more reasons to travel further and stay longer – supporting all of Queensland's regional communities.

The campaign begins on June 1, 2022 and ends on October 31, 2022.

Not only is this campaign beneficial to get participants camping, which is fundamental for boosting health and wellness, but it's great for supporting regional Queensland.

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