Minister Spends $370K on Longford Grand Prix Expo

Tasmanian Labor

Confirmation from Liberal Minister Felix Ellis that $370,000 has already been spent by the organisers of the Longford Grand Prix Expo raises serious questions about the government's use of taxpayers' money and what controls are in place to ensure it is used appropriately.

The people of Longford and the Northern Midlands worked very hard to come up with the concept for this event and it's now been announced by event organisers DX Industries that the event is not going ahead.

Events Minister Nic Street needs to explain what $370,000 of taxpayers' money was spent on.

Where was the oversight by Minister Street to ensure that the money was being spent properly and how were the grant recipients able to spend that much money before it became apparent that the event may not proceed?

The event was announced with much fanfare in August by Minister Street saying, "The Longford GPX aims to celebrate Longford's rich history, as well as showcasing the future of motorsport through car and bike shows within the heart of Longford's town centre."

The people of the Northern Midlands have been completely dudded by the event organisers and by a Minister who is not across his portfolio.

Rebecca White MP

Tasmanian Labor Leader and Member for Lyons

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