New Seawinds Ward Councillor elected


Simon Brooks has been elected as the new Seawinds Ward Councillor for the Mornington Peninsula Shire.

He will be sworn in as Councillor at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 7 February 2023 and begin his official duties.

Brooks was previously a councillor for Seawinds Ward from 2016 to 2020.

He will join Deputy Mayor Cr Debra Mar and Cr Antonella Celi representing the Peninsula, including the townships of Safety Beach, Dromana, McCrae, Rosebud and Capel Sound.

The extraordinary vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Councillor Kerri McCafferty on Monday 19 December 2022.

The computer countback was hosted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on Monday 30 January 2023. The vacancy was filled through a countback of all the votes from the October 2020 general election. Only candidates who were unsuccessful at the general election, and remained eligible, could be included.

The results of the countback can be found online at

Quotes attributable to Mayor Councillor Steve Holland:

"On behalf of my fellow Councillors, I'd like to congratulate Simon and welcome him back to the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council.

"Simon brings plenty of experience to this role, having previously represented Seawinds Ward as a Councillor for four years.

"I look forward to working with Simon to support the community and deliver on the services, programs, projects and events that matter to our residents and ratepayers."

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