Nine state schools closed tomorrow due to bushfire threat

Nine state schools will be closed tomorrow because of the threat of bushfires, Education Minister Grace Grace has announced.

The schools are:

  • Amiens State School
  • Applethorpe State School
  • Beechmont State School
  • Dalveen State School
  • Poziers State School
  • Stanthorpe State School
  • Stanthorpe State High School
  • The Summit State School
  • Thulimbah State School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School in Stanthorpe will also close.

"The decision to close schools is never taken lightly, but our number one priority remains the safety of students, staff and their families," Ms Grace said.

"We will continue to liaise with emergency services personnel as the situation progresses, and we will close further schools, if necessary, for the safety of our communities."

The most up-to-date information on Queensland state school closures can be found at

Ms Grace said all community members should continue to act with safety first in mind.

"Even if your school remains open, if you're concerned about travelling to or from school in the current conditions, remember safety must come first," she said.

"I strongly encourage everybody to tune into their local ABC radio service for updates on bushfires and follow all advice from emergency services in your area."

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