Ninja Warrior class coming to Natimuk

Natimuk and District Gymnastic Club will launch its new Ninja Warrior class in 2021 after the purchase of equipment through Horsham Rural City Council's community grants program.

The club was successful in receiving a $2,500 grant to put towards buying a Little Aussie Ninja course, which includes obstacles, archways and a dive tunnel for budding Ninjas to test out their agility and strength.

The new Ninja Warrior course allows the club to offer new Ninja classes, adding to an already extensive and well-attended range of gymnastic training sessions.

Head coach Lynette Morrow says that since advertising the classes at the beginning of January she has already received about 20 enquiries.

"The ninja classes are for school-aged children, and run at 4.30 and 5.30pm on Tuesday and Wednesday," she explained.

"In the course we have a suspended rope ladder, a climbing wall and swing ropes. The Ninja classes are another option where kids develop skills in balance, agility, coordination, catching, swinging and climbing."

Before COVID-19 the club attracted participants from across the region, and interstate.

Ms Morrow looks forward to welcoming participants back into the gym.

"We start the classes on the 1st of February, and enrolments are now open for new and past members."

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