Optus, Cisco, La Trobe Launch World-Class Digital Innovation Hub

  • Optus, La Trobe University and Cisco have launched the Digital Innovation Hub.
  • The DIH leverages Optus 5G technology and is the only hub in Australia to host Ciscos Webex Hologram technology.
  • A key feature is the Makerspace, equipped with advanced tools like circuit board printers, laser cutters, 3D printers, and manufacturing equipment to develop IoT sensors.

Optus has partnered with leading academic institution, La Trobe University and technology leader, Cisco, to launch the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), a state-of-the art innovation precinct located at La Trobes Bundoora campus, which offers unprecedented technological capability for greater collaboration between students, researchers, business and industry.

This ultramodern facility provides access to the latest in technology and serves as a catalyst for innovation across various sectors, including healthcare, education, advanced manufacturing, transportation. smart urban infrastructure and more.

The DIH leverages Optus 5G technology and is the only hub in Australia to host CISCO Webex Hologram technology and offers a one-stop-shop for enterprise and government organisations, in addition to start-ups and SMEs in Melbournes north and regional Victoria to grow and transform their business by accessing the digital capabilities and technologies of La Trobe and its global partners.

The Minister for Skills and TAFE Gayle Tierney said, Victoria is an innovation powerhouse and as international leaders in research and development, our universities play a crucial role in our states success.

Facilities like La Trobe Universitys Digital Innovation Hub give students a chance to test and improve their skills while helping businesses to tackle real-world challenges this means everyone involved is transforming and growing, Minister Tierney said.

La Trobe Vice-Chancellor and President, John Dewar AO, welcomed the opening of the DIH, saying the purpose-built centre offers students, academic and commercial partners unprecedented access to cutting edge digital tech.

The Digital Innovation Hub is an exciting precinct that will lead to new research and commercial developments that could transform sectors like healthcare, education and telecommunications. The DIH offers real-time opportunities for our students, academics and businesses to collaborate and innovate, said Professor Dewar.

Kavin Arnasalon, Optus Head of Government, Enterprise and Business, said, Optus continues to invest in supporting many of Australias universities to be leading research institutions. Through Optus fast and reliable 5G connectivity, students and researchers across the country can harness the untapped possibilities that technology such as AI, virtual and augmented reality and ultra-reliable low latency hold.

Through our strategic partnership with La Trobe University and Cisco, Optus looks forward to supporting students, researchers and the next generation of business leaders to have hands on experience in integrating technology into the workplace to drive business transformation.

Ciscos Vice President for Australia & New Zealand, Ben Dawson said, The Digital Innovation Hub in Melbourne brings together a range of partners, projects and precincts to offer students with access to the industry right at their doorstep. Thats why weve chosen it as the home of Innovation Central Melbourne a facility that brings tech leaders together with industry and academia to address the skills gap and solve real world challenges. The Digital Innovation Hub offers the next wave of technologists with the latest tech and connections at their fingertips to turbocharge innovation.

Jeffrey Jones, DIH manager at La Trobe University, said, "Social interaction is really important when you're talking about innovation, there's a general theory that you don't get innovation unless you're in the same place at the same time, at least some of the time."

The DIH is one of a small group of beta testers around the world with access to Ciscos Webex Hologram technology. The Webex Hologram uses 5G and creates a live, photorealistic holographic interaction for the wearer of a HoloLense that goes beyond conventional video conferencing for a truly immersive experience.

  • Webex Hologram: A realistic 3D holograms of people and content using augmented reality headsets.
  • Victorian Virtual Emergency Department: This allows a nurse at a residential aged care facility and the doctor in the VVED to "see" what the other is seeing using AR technology.
  • Augmented reality experiences: A range of smart glasses are being trialled for various use cases in healthcare, education, agriculture.
  • Interactive touch wall: a cutting-edge presentation where visitors can explore various research projects through interactive multimedia presentations
  • Optus 5G co-design showcase: experimentation and prototyping in areas such as IoT (Internet of Things), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR)
  • National Industry Innovation Network showcase: interactive maps, case studies, success stories, and a directory of member organisations, highlighting their innovative projects, technologies, and contributions to their respective industries.

A key feature is the Makerspace, equipped with advanced tools like circuit board printers, laser cutters, 3D printers, and manufacturing equipment. The Makerspace empowers researchers to develop customized IoT sensors, fostering innovation in industries such as healthcare and agriculture.

The Digital Innovation Hub builds on an already longstanding relationship between Optus and La Trobe University. In 2022 the two announced a partnership to help it evolve into a University of the Future and in September 2023, they teamed up again to provide a lift to Victorias health and technology sector with the appointment of award-winning researcher Professor Nilmini Wickramasinghe as the inaugural Optus Chair of Digital Health at La Trobe University.

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