OSCE Reveals 2023 Estonian Election Observation Findings


Experts from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) presented the final report of the Election Expert Team deployed to Estonia for the March 2023 parliamentary elections from 19 to 22 February in Tallinn.

During the visit, the experts met with representatives from the state authorities and civil society organizations to discuss the ODIHR's findings and recommendations on bringing election legislation and practice further into line with OSCE commitments and other international standards. The experts also discussed how ODIHR could support the implementation of the report's recommendations if requested by the Estonian authorities.

The report's recommendations focus on internet voting, including the transparency of processing of the internet vote, as well as issues related to campaign spending limits, transparency requirements for advertisers, comprehensive regulation of third-party campaigning, and increasing the capacity for campaign finance oversight. The report also recommends taking measures to reduce divisive rhetoric that has a negative impact on national minorities and ensure full political rights for long-term residents with undetermined citizenship.

All OSCE participating States have committed to promptly follow up on ODIHR's election assessments and recommendations.

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