Pick park for picnic season

City of Port Phillip
As Melbourne's often unpredictable weather starts to provide more sunshine, and with COVID-19 restrictions easing, now is the perfect time to celebrate picnic season.

The City of Port Phillip offers many great locations to pop down a rug and feast on some treats from local businesses.

Try out Catani Gardens where historic boulevards of Canary Island palms trees line the walking paths, while nearby Fitzroy Street offers abundant eating options and the Acland Street precinct is a short walk or tram ride away.

Or try Garden City Reserve, one of the largest recreational parks in Port Melbourne. It can accommodate a range of activities including cycling, soccer, dog walking, trugo games, picnics and adventurous play in the playground. An extensive shared path network facilitates easy passage across the reserve.

To find your perfect picnicking spot, visit Council's Parks Directory.

Many of your local cafes and restaurants are stocking your ultimate picnic treats. Need some ideas to get you started? Try takeaway finger sandwich boxes from Canteen Café at South Melbourne Market or a five-course picnic experience from Fitzrovia in St Kilda.

Gasworks Café is offering customers the chance to buy picnic hampers, which can be tailored to include specific items and features biodegradable, disposable cutlery, plates, serviettes, cups, ground cover sheet to lay everything out - all in an easy to carry box.

When you're busy picnicking, be sure to use your QR Code check-ins when visiting the City's businesses and playgrounds to keep COVID Safe.

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