Police charge two men after attempted carjacking at Coffs Harbour

Two men have been charged as part of investigations into an alleged attempted carjacking at Coffs Harbour last week.

About 4.20pm on Thursday (12 August 2021), a 21-year-old woman and her 17-year-old female passenger were driving a Honda Accord when they stopped behind a Ford Territory on Bailey Avenue.

It is alleged the passenger of the Ford approached the women and demanded money, before the occupants of the Honda were able to drive from the scene.

It is further alleged the Ford followed the Honda through Coffs Harbour and when they were forced to stop behind stationary traffic, the driver of the Ford approached the woman's car and grabbed the keys from the ignition before leaving the scene in his vehicle.

The woman contacted police and officers from the Coffs/Clarence Police District attended and commenced an investigation.

Following inquires, officers arrested a 38-year-old man on Thursday 12 August 2021.He was charged with robbery and refused bail. The matter remains before the courts.

Yesterday (Tuesday 17 August 2021), officers attended a home on Coramba Road, Glenreagh, and arrested a 36-year-old man.

He was taken to Coffs Harbour Police Station and charged with demand money with menaces and breach of bail.

He was refused bail and is expected to appear in Coffs Harbour Local Court today (Wednesday 18 August 2021).

Inquiries continue

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