Police charge two men after Wodonga warrants

Detectives from the Echo Taskforce have charged two men this afternoon as part of their investigation into a series of incidents linked to the Finks Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG).

Warrants were executed at four properties in Wodonga, Wodonga West and Barnawartha from 7am this morning by police from the Echo Taskforce, VIPER Taskforce, Wodonga Crime Investigation Unit and Wodonga police.

Four people were arrested including:

• A 37-year-old Barnawartha man;

• A 42-year old Barnawartha man;

• A 39-year old Barnawartha woman; and

• A 30-year-old Wodonga man.

The three men are alleged to be patched members of the Finks OMCG.

The 37-year-old Barnawartha man has been charged with blackmail, traffick drug of dependence, possess drug of dependence, burglary and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.

The 30-year-old Wodonga man has been charged with blackmail, extortion, possess prohibited weapon, handle stolen goods, possess drug of dependence, breach a condition of bail and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.

The pair are expected to face Wodonga Magistrates' Court on Tuesday.

The 42-year-old Barnawartha man and the 39-year-old Barnawartha woman were both released pending further enquiries.

Police also seized drugs including methylamphetamine and GHB, knuckledusters and an allegedly stolen bicycle during today's searches.

Today' warrants follow a number of incidents in the Wodonga area over the last fortnight believed to be linked to the Finks OMCG.

This includes an altercation which took place at a McCrohan Court address on 1 June.

A 30-year-old Wodonga man was subsequently arrested by police on Wednesday, 7 June and charged with aggravated burglary, extortion, burglary and commit indictable offence whilst on bail.

The man will face Melbourne Magistrates' Court again on 30 August.

The investigation also includes an incident at the same property on 5 June where a 28-year-old man was allegedly assaulted.

Police believed these incidents were all targeted.

The investigation into the incidents remains ongoing.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

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