Police investigate vehicle and petrol theft

Nagambie police are investigating after a car was stolen and later found burnt out in central Victoria last week.

Officers have been told a silver Mitsubishi Outlander Wagon, registration TBS429, was stolen from a nature strip on Bank Street, Avenel sometime after 2am on 19 December.

Shortly later, the offenders have driven the vehicle to a service station at Wahring where the passenger filled the vehicle with fuel before fleeing north in the vehicle, making no attempt to pay for the fuel.

The stolen vehicle was later located unoccupied and burnt out on the Goulburn Valley Freeway, 200m north of Boundary Road, in Wunghnu about 6.30am where it appears to have rolled several times down an embankment.

Investigators have released images a man they believe may be able to assist with their investigation.

The man is described to be 175cm tall, solid build, with short dark brown hair, a trimmed beard/moustache and was wearing dark coloured clothing and a hat with a large '9' in white on the back of the hoody.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

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