Police Make Arrests - Robbery In Darwin 8 March

Northern Territory Police have arrested 4 offenders after a robbery in Casuarina yesterday.

Around 12:50pm, police received reports that 4 males, aged 15,15,17 and 23, had entered a business at a shopping Centre on Trower Road, Casuarina, and stolen a large quantity of alcohol. It is alleged the group verbally threatened staff before fleeing the scene on foot and with a trolley.

Strike Force Trident deployed to the scene with the Dog Operation Unit and after a series a short foot pursuits three offenders were arrested.

Patrol Dog Boss tracked the fourth and final offender to a nearby residence and located him hiding in the bushes.

All stolen alcohol has now been recovered and all four offenders are expected to be charged with aggravated robbery and theft.

Detective Senior Sergeant Dale Motter-Barnard said "A substantial amount of alcohol was stolen and thanks to quick work from Trident and Dog Ops I'm sure further offending was prevented.

"We continue to urge everyone to immediately report crime and antisocial behaviour to police on 131 444 or in an emergency to call triple zero."

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