Producers Price Index Weights

We reweight the producers price index (PPI) industry and commodity weights annually, using detailed product information sourced from the supply-and-use reconciliation we do each year in the national accounts.

The weights associated with the commodities, and the weights attached to each industry, are therefore annually chain-linked. This reflects economy-wide income and expenditure changes in the mix of products and the mix of industries. We provide the industry-specific baskets and weights in the industry, and the commodity-by-industry weights tables.

See Producers price index: concepts, sources, and methods for information about how we compile the PPI.

Industry weights

'Producers price index: March 2024 quarter - supplementary tables of new industry weights' shows the industry weights for each PPI industry that is published in the business price indexes information release.

There are two tables:

  • all industries excluding administration, health, and education for both output and input indexes
  • all industries for the input indexes.

These weights are updated annually and are being used to weight price movements from the December 2023 quarter to the March, June, September, and December 2024 quarters.

Industry-by-commodity weights

'Producers price index industry-by-commodity weight tables: 2024' shows the commodity weights for each level 3 New Zealand Standard Industry Output Classification industry published in the business price indexes information release. The commodity categories shown are aggregations of the National Accounts 2006 Commodity Classification (NA06CC) used in our national accounts supply and use reconciliation. Some of the commodities are aggregated due to confidentiality.

We have included a commodity concordance table in the Excel file to show how the NA06CC aligns with the aggregated commodity categories.

The weights are sourced from the 2021/2022 national accounts supply-and-use reconciliation and are expressed in the prices of the December 2023 quarter. These weights are updated annually and are used to weight price movements from the December 2023 quarter to the March, June, September, and December 2024 quarters.

We are not publishing dairy product manufacturing (CC13) for confidentiality reasons.

/Stats NZ Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.