Public Hearing Reclassification of Public Lands

Following the Public Hearings held under section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 in relation to the reclassification of:

Land adjacent to Snowy River Hostel, 7A Jindalee Street, Berridale (Lot 10 DP 1130244), and

Yallambee Lodge, 1 Binalong Street, Cooma (Lot 10 DP 1266613)

from 'community land' to 'operational land', the report prepared by the independent facilitator is being made available within 4 days of receipt as required by Section 47G (3) of the Local Government Act 1993.

You can download the report via the below link or hard copies are available at our

Berridale Council Office at 2 Myack Street, Berridale

Cooma Council Office at 81 Commissioner Street, Cooma

If you have any questions in relation to this report, please do not hesitate to contact Council's Senior Strategic Land Use Planner, Brooke Davey on 1300 345 345.

Download report here

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