Remembrance Day services in Port Phillip

City of Port Phillip
Every year at 11am on 11 November - the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month - we pause to remember those who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations.

Port Phillip residents are invited to attend the following Remembrance Day services to observe a minute's silence dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation in armed conflict.

Port Melbourne Remembrance Service

Date: Sunday 5 November 2023

Times: 5 pm to 6 pm

Location: Remembrance Garden, Corner Station Street and Raglan Street, Port Melbourne

St Kilda RSL Remembrance Service

Date: Saturday 11 November 2023

Times: 10 am to 11.10am

Location: Alfred Square, St Kilda

Victorian Association of Jewish Ex & Servicemen & Women (VAJEX) Remembrance Service

Date: Sunday 12 November 2023

Times: 11 am to 12 pm

Location: Burnett Grey Gardens, Ripponlea

Shrine of Remembrance Service

Date: Saturday 11 November 2023

Times: 10.30am

Location: Shrine of Remembrance

View the program: Remembrance Day program | Shrine of Remembrance

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