Residents of Campbellton to benefit from improved water and wastewater infrastructure on Adam and Dufferin Street

Infrastructure Canada

Today, René Arseneault, Member of Parliament for Madawaska-Restigouche, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities; the Honourable Gary Crossman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation; and His Worship Ian Comeau, Mayor of the City of Campbellton, announced joint funding for upgrades to community water and wastewater infrastructure along Adam Street and Dufferin Street.

Funding for this project includes upgrading 308 metres of cast iron watermains, 120 metres of terracotta clay sanitary sewer pipes, and the construction of 370 metres of new storm sewers. The City will also take the opportunity to rebuild affected roadways, curbs and sidewalks following the completion of underground work. These upgrades will ensure residents have improved access to quality potable water and will provide the community with increased capacity to treat and manage wastewater and stormwater.

The Government of Canada is investing $736,547 in this project. The Government of New Brunswick is contributing $613,728, and the City of Campbellton is providing $491,093.

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