Save Date For Graze Day


A new signature event in Timboon is set to showcase the region's finest producers, creators and musical talent, as well as celebrating First Nations culture.

Graze the Day will be held on Kirrae Whurrong Country at Timboon natural amphitheatre on Saturday 23 November, from 11 am-5 pm.

Mayor and South-West Ward Councillor Kate Makin said the event would have something on offer for everyone.

"Mark this event on your calendar – Graze the Day will be an event to look forward to.

"There will be a fun blend of music, activities, artisan produce and local makers, with cultural activities and performances organised by Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation," Cr Makin said.

Council will lead and deliver the new event, with the support of local producers, community and businesses.

Council Manager Economy & Prosperity Katy McMahon said Council was calling for submissions from artists and designers who are Eastern Maar citizens, to help develop the brand.

"Our aim is to create an iconic event that is unique to Corangamite and draws both locals and visitors.

"We are running an Expression of Interest for an Eastern Maar artist to develop the event branding that expresses the connection between people and Country."

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