Strike Force Raptor charge man over acquisition of firearms

A man will appear in court today charged over alleged firearms offences as part of a Strike Force Raptor investigation into the supply of prohibited drugs and firearms.

Earlier this year, police from the Criminal Groups Squad's Strike Force Raptor commenced an investigation into the supply of prohibited drugs and firearms across NSW.

As part of their inquiries, a search warrant was executed at a home at Bundanoon on Wednesday 3 July 2019, where police seized nine rifles, including an M1 carbine semi-automatic rifle.

Two men – aged 33 and 65 – were charged at the time. They remain before the courts.

Following further inquiries, a 44-year-old man was arrested at a home at Medowie about 4.30pm yesterday (Thursday 29 August 2019).

He was taken to Raymond Terrace Police Station and charged with two counts of acquire prohibited firearm- subject prohibition order.

Police will allege in court that the man, who is a former NSW Police Force civilian employee, handled an M1 carbine semi-automatic rifle and an air rifle at a Bundanoon property in June 2019.

The man was refused bail to appear at Raymond Terrace Local Court today (Friday 30 August 2019).

Investigations are continuing.

Strike Force Raptor was established in 2009 and conducts proactive investigations and intelligence-based, high-impact policing operations to prevent and disrupt conflicts, and dismantle any network engaged in serious organised criminal activity.

Anyone with information, including relevant photos and videos, that may assist Strike Force Raptor can report it directly to investigators via the Strike Force Raptor online reporting page: or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Information provided to investigators will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

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