Summer City Market returns to Maude Street

Shepparton is set to welcome the return of one of the city's favourite events, the Summer City Market, offering two big days of summer savings across the city on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 February.

This will be one of the first events hosted within the newly redeveloped Maude Street precinct and Greater Shepparton City Council's Place Manager, Bonnie McIntosh is working with traders to bring back the family tradition.

"The markets have always been a family favourite and we can't wait for visitors and locals to see the event bring the new precinct to life with live music from local performers, an array of kids' activities including face painting, balloon creations, and boutique crafts and food stalls coming in for the weekend," Ms McIntosh said.

"The community has really embraced the Summer City Market in the past and I welcome everyone into this amazing space to have a great shopping experience, we have everything from homewares, jewellery, homemade crafts and sports gear."

There will be great promotions on offer across the entire precinct and shoppers are encouraged to get out, shop local and celebrate the final days of summer in an exciting new precinct.

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