Tanunda Oval to showcase T20 cricket under lights

Tanunda Oval to showcase T20 cricket under lights

Tanunda Recreation Park will light up as Tanunda and Angaston cricket clubs go head-to-head in a Barossa & Light Cricket Association T20 night match on 4 December.

The free family launch event will feature activities and a carnival atmosphere, in a fitting celebration of the $450,000 lighting upgrade co-funded by Council and the State Government.

The event is jointly presented by The Barossa Council and Tanunda cricket and football clubs, with support from SACA, SANFL and Barossa & Light Cricket Association.

To ensure a Covid-safe event, free tickets are essential at eventbrite

Mayor Bim Lange described the 300 lux floodlighting as "a spectacle".

"Anyone who's seen the oval under the new lights will know just how many opportunities this creates for our community to participate in sport and also expand our sporting calendar," he said.

"This is what The Big Project is all about – creating first class infrastructure for both grassroots sports and big-ticket events that support sports tourism."

Tanunda Cricket Club president Stuart Swan said the T20 will be the first of many night matches. "To become the first oval outside of Adelaide with approved cricket standard lights, allowing us to safely host cricket at night, is a real feather in the Barossa's cap and a great thing for our entire cricket association," Stuart said.

"This adds to the SACA championships that are already based in the Barossa each year and the Women's Big Bash games being held here too.

"The benefits are there for all the codes - certainly night games for football are also a reality here now. I'd personally love to see games like Tanunda versus Nuri and Angaston in night games if that's possible, with the A grade women part of the mix too."

Tanunda captain Trent Goers said his side is excited to make an appearance under lights. "It's something different and hopefully draws a different crowd to the game," Trent said.

Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing Corey Wingard said the Grassroots funding program is making a genuine difference in the community. "By working with local councils like the Barossa, and the sporting codes, we're able to deliver great projects that help people stay active and healthy," the Minister said.

SACA & Cricket Australia Public Policy & Government Relations Manager Ben Page agrees.

"The Tanunda Oval lights will create more opportunities for young cricketers to pick up the sport and bring new visitors to the Barossa for state and national competitions," Ben said

"The project was only possible through collaboration with the Tanunda volunteers, The Barossa Council, State Government and the SANFL".

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