Temporary Lismore Service centre opens


Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Residents of Lismore and surrounding areas can access vital NSW Government services at the local golf club, with doors now open at the new temporary Service NSW Centre.

Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Victor Dominello said the temporary centre is on the ground floor of the Lismore Workers Golf Club at 1 Barham Street.

"Residents will have access to more than 1,000 NSW Government transactions just like the previous centre offered, as well as help applying for flood assistance and connecting to vital services," Mr Dominello said.

"People can also apply for their driver licence with driving and driver knowledge tests available on weekdays.

"The centre will be open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm with staff looking forward to welcoming people back in store to help rebuild the community again."

Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience and Minister for Flood Recovery Steph Cooke said Service NSW staff are playing a key role in the recovery effort.

"Service NSW staff have been embedded in our dozens of Recovery Centres across the Northern Rivers since the recovery effort first began and I'm pleased that such a wide range of Government services is now accessible in this central and easy-to-access location," Ms Cooke said.

"Flood-affected business owners can also use an online eligibility checker, which presents a list of grants most applicable to their situation so they can decide which one is best to apply for."

The Small Business Northern Flood Grant, of up to $10,000, opened last week and helps to cushion the financial impact of the floods for small business owners and not-for-profits directly or indirectly impacted by flooding.

Applications will soon open for the Medium Business Grants of up to $200,000 for flood-affected businesses employing more than 20 people, and where insurance or other Government support does not cover the costs.

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