Temporary Vehicle Access Construction to Begin on Tyalgum Road

Tweed Shire Council

Construction work is set to begin within weeks to restore temporary access to motorists at the extreme landslip on Tyalgum Road.

Tweed Shire Council and contractor SEE Civil Pty Ltd are taking steps to alleviate the inconvenience experienced by local residents and businesses caused by a landslip during the 2022 floods.

Council is finalising review of a detailed design by SEE Civil, with the view to building a temporary access road through the slip site. This will return unrestricted vehicle access through Tyalgum Road to motorists and cyclists.

The Tyalgum community has eagerly awaited updates on the restoration of the extreme landslip which has blocked through-traffic on Tyalgum Road for more than 19 months. Restoration works, which were expected to start in late July, were deferred pending finalisation of a revised design.

Council's Acting Director Engineering Tim Mackney said the community's concerns had been heard and Council and contractor SEE Civil were working to expedite vehicle access while ensuring the safety of road users and construction teams.

"We understand the frustrations of the Tyalgum community due to the prolonged disruption caused by the landslip. While there were several issues that forced a redesign, listening to the concerns of our residents has enabled us to adjust our approach to ensure quicker relief," he said.

Council is currently reviewing the design for the temporary access road and negotiating details with SEE Civil. If there are no further unexpected issues, the assessment is expected to be finalised within the next two weeks and then SEE Civil will be able to prepare to start construction.

"Once mobilised, construction of the temporary access road is expected to take about four weeks, which on current expectations would see the road opened by November this year," Mr Mackney said.

"While acknowledging the urgency of the situation, Council remains committed to adhering to the highest safety and engineering standards throughout the road construction process.

"For the safety of road users and workers, there will be no vehicle or pedestrian access through the slip site during construction of the temporary access road. A timeframe for the temporary closure will be published as soon as dates are confirmed.

"We acknowledge the frustrations within the community and are working hard to ensure the necessary repairs are executed efficiently and effectively.

"This is the biggest and most complex landslip the Tweed experienced during the 2022 flood. The challenges posed by this landslip have been substantial, however we are committed to restoring normalcy for Tyalgum residents as soon as possible."

Continuous monitoring and adjustments will be carried out to ensure the stability and reliability of the temporary access road for the safety of all road users.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to stay informed through regular flood restoration updates on Council's website and social media channels. Collaboration between Council and the Tyalgum community remains crucial in navigating this situation.

Council thanks the Tyalgum community for their patience and tolerance throughout this challenging period.

For updated information on Council's road restoration works, please visit tweed.nsw.gov.au/flood-restoration-works

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