USAID Co-Hosts Amplifying Black Voices Conference at Tennessee State University


On April 12-13, USAID and Tennessee State University will co-host "Amplifying HBCUs and Black Voices in Development," a conference and career expo.

The conference will be an opportunity for students, alumni, faculty, and administrators to learn more about USAID's mission and professional opportunities in the field of foreign assistance. The conference is open to anyone interested in learning more about opportunities in international development and how USAID is engaging with HBCUs.

Sessions will highlight the leadership journeys of USAID staff hailing from HBCUs or predominantly black institutions, discussions on connecting the Black diaspora across the globe to solve development programs, and information on how to work and partner with USAID. There will also be a case competition in partnership with the PepsiCo Foundation, in which participants will compete for prizes to solve a development challenge.

WHEN: April 12-13, 2023

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