Warwick Uni, Blue Coat School Team Up for Community Iftar

Blue Coat School in Coventry hosted a vibrant and inclusive community Iftar dinner on 21st March, marking a celebration of unity, diversity, and communal harmony. The event was supported by the University of Warwick as part of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) schools network project to give opportunities and experiences to schoolchildren in Coventry. Community Iftar event, Photo by Coventry Live

The event at Blue Coat School brought together students, teachers, families, and community members of various backgrounds to share in the spirit of Ramadan.

Iftar is the meal Muslims traditionally eat to break the day's fast at sunset. The Blue Coat Iftar was open to people of all religions and anyone who wanted to learn more about Ramadan. Attendees were treated to a delicious meal featuring traditional dishes from different cultures.

One guest, Amira Hussain said: "Iftar is a special time for families after breaking their fast and we live in such a diverse city, there should be more events to get communities together and embrace other people's cultures. We want others to take part, learn more about the holy month, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Student Ismail added: "Ramadan is a time to take away the stresses of daily life and wind down in a sense. It's the time to get closer to God and be appreciative of everything you have. This event is a great step forward for the community for people of all ages to get involved."

Throughout the evening, participants engaged in shared stories and strengthened bonds of friendship and understanding. The event served as a testament to the power of coming together, breaking bread, and embracing one another's differences with open hearts and minds.

Gemma Hathaway, Assistant Headteacher at Blue Coat said: "We believe that by working together and embracing our differences, we can build a stronger, more inclusive community. Our Iftar dinner was just the beginning. We look forward to engaging with our city's diverse communities in meaningful ways and creating lasting bonds that transcend cultural boundaries."

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