Woman dies in hospital after Pasadena crash, South Australia

An elderly woman has died in hospital today following a crash at Pasadena last weekend.

About 11am on Saturday 10 April, police and emergency services were called to Goodwood Road and Jamestown Avenue after reports of a two car crash.

A white Hyundai station wagon travelling south on Goodwood Road attempting to turn right into Jamestown Avenue, collided with a black Ford Territory.

The crash caused the Territory to careen into a fence on Goodwood Road.

All occupants, three in the Hyundai station wagon and the driver of the Ford station wagon, were taken to Flinders Medical Centre where they were treated.

Sadly, the front passenger of the Hyundai, an 84-year-old woman from Pasadena, died in hospital today (Sunday 18 April).

The woman's death is the 37th life lost on South Australian roads this year, compared to 34 at the same time last year.

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