Works Begin On Buloke's Streetscape Makeover

VIC Premier

Buloke Shire's major streetscapes will be transformed, as part of the Victorian Government's commitment to create local jobs and boost the region's economy.

Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes today visited Birchip to turn the first sod on the Buloke Streetscape Renewal Project, which will transform entrances to Wycheproof, Birchip, Charlton, Donald and Sea Lake.

Improved landscaping, new pedestrian connections and signage are all part of the Government's $4 million investment in the project, announced as part of the Building Works package - a $2.7 billion commitment to get thousands of Victorians back to work with shovel-ready projects that provide lasting benefits to communities.

The works are expected to create up to 14 jobs during construction and will provide a longer-term boost to the economy through increased tourism.

Improvements will include landscaping works and a new alfresco dining area at Birchip, a river link for pedestrians at Charlton, and new public art displays and a better play space for Wycheproof's Memorial Park.

At Donald, there will be better signage and landscaping, while Sea Lake's works will include new footpaths and landscaping along Best Street.

The Building Works package is designed to provide immediate benefit to communities across the state, with more than half the projects in rural and regional Victoria - from our smallest town to our most famous natural wonders.

The shovel-ready projects will create jobs now and provide lasting economic benefits in response to the economic challenges brought about by coronavirus.

The Building Works package is being delivered in addition to the Victorian Government's $2.6 billion Delivering for Regional and Rural Victoria program.

As stated by Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes

"We know just how challenging this year has been for small regional communities who thrive on visitors coming to the region. That's why we are backing projects like this one that will create jobs now and make these communities even better places to live, work and invest.

"Our Building Works package will create long-term benefits to the Buloke Shire, its businesses, and its communities."

As stated by Buloke Shire Council CEO Anthony Judd

"The streetscape upgrades across the five towns will create much needed construction jobs, and we expect there will be long lasting benefits to our main street retailers with this project encouraging more people to shop in town and drive increased visitation.

"This work will ensure safer and more accessible main streets for road users and pedestrians and create a strong sense of community pride."

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