2024 Six-Coin Proof Year Set Is Gift Fit For King

Royal Australian Mint

As the Royal Australian Mint gets ready to release its King Charles III 2024 Six-Coin Proof Year Set, CEO Leigh Gordon has minted the final proof coin to be included in a first-of-its-kind gift for The King.

The proof base metal set containing all six Australian standard coins featuring His Majesty's effigy will head to Buckingham Palace from the Royal Australian Mint as a gift for King Charles. It follows the tradition of the Palace receiving the first issues of new coins, with Prince Philip having received the first full set of decimal coins bearing the effigy of The Late Queen Elizabeth II, when he opened the Mint in 1965.

Also being released is the highly anticipated King Charles III 2024 Six-Coin Uncirculated Year Set.

Mr Gordon said it was the first time in the Royal Australian Mint's 59-year history that it changed the Monarch on its full suite of legal coins.

"The Change of Monarch was a significant undertaking that involved multiple stakeholders including the Royal Mint in Wales, the Australian Government and Buckingham Palace," Mr Gordon said.

"The production of the coins also required design, engineering and production expertise at the Royal Australian Mint to ensure the coins were manufactured effectively across all denominations, sizes and metals."

The King's effigy replaced the late Queen's on the obverse of coins late last year. Queen Elizabeth II reigned from 1952 until her passing in 2022, making it the first time in 70 years that Australia's coins feature the effigy of a King, rather than a Queen.

"The new $1 coin is now in circulation and the 5c and $2 rolls were recently released," Mr Gordon said.

"Next Tuesday will be a momentous occasion for Australia. The King Charles effigy will be available on all six circulating coins."

Both the King Charles III 2024 Six-Coin Uncirculated Year Set (RRP $40) and the King Charles III 2024 Six-Coin Proof Year Set (RRP $150) will be available on Tuesday, 21 May:

  • EQL ballot (closes Tuesday 21 May at 8.30am) Enter ballot here.
  • Mint Coin Shop (Canberra Museum and Gallery location) from 8.30am
  • Mint Contact Centre on 1300 652 020 from 8.30am
  • From participating authorised distributors

Registration for the ballot is now open and closes at 8.30am on Tuesday, 21 February at 8.30am. The draw will take place immediately following the ballot and successful entrants will be notified by email. To register for the ballot, visit the Mint at www.ramint.gov.au.

As the first full set of coins featuring King Charles III's image on the obverse, these coin sets will be a highly prized addition to any coin collection.

About the Royal Australian Mint

The Mint is an award-winning, world class Mint and a global leader in the mint industry. The Mint produces circulating coins for Australia and other countries; collectible and investment coins for domestic and international customers; and custom-made medals, medallions and tokens for individual or corporate clients. The Mint is also a national cultural institution that educates millions of Australians and international visitors on the history of Australia's decimal currency, and the significance and value of coins.

Coin design

2024 Six-Coin Proof Year Set His Majesty King Charles III

2024 Six-Coin Uncirculated Year Set His Majesty King Charles III

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