BASSINTHEGRASS Returns Tomorrow Bigger Than Ever

NT Government

The Territory's largest music festival, BASSINTHEGRASS returns tomorrow with ticket sales already up on this time last year.

Currently, more than 12,500 tickets have been bought by music lovers and festival goers with ticket sales expected to rise before the main gates open at Darwin's iconic Mindil Beach.

The Territory Labor Government funded music festival which is now into its 21st year generated more than $13 million to the Territory economy in 2023, and with ticket sales already up in comparison to 2023 this figure is expected to increase.

Currently, BASSINTHEGRASS has the biggest festival line up in Australia for 2024 with over 25 international and Australian acts, featuring the likes of Macklemore, US DJ's Walker & Royce, UK's Sam Divine as well as Australian music royalty Ziggy Alberts, Jet, The Jungle Giants and Bliss n Eso.

There will be four stages in 2024 with a new layout to accommodate the BASSment, a new stage dedicated to dance music. Taking to the BASSment includes Young Franco, local Territorian J-MILLA, dameeeela and Sunshine and Disco Faith Choir.

This year a number of Territory born artists will be performing on the big stage including multi-platinum award winning artist VASSY, along with Darwin-born Aboriginal Australian hip hop artist J-MILLA and Arnhem Land hit-makers King Stingray.

They will be joined by two local acts who won the chance of a lifetime to play at the Festival. Elephant Town, a four piece band high school band, will be on the Tropical stage at 12.10pm while Mr Chrisy Mertas, from Nhulunbuy, will take to Palm stage at 12.45pm.

Quotes attributed to the Minister for Major Events, Brent Potter:

"The Lawler Government continues to evolve our major events because we know lifestyle is a huge part of what makes the Territory so special.

"The Territory's largest music festival, now into its 21st year, returns tomorrow with thousands expected to head to Mindil Beach to revel in some of the world's biggest acts.

"BASSINTHEGRASS follows a huge week of music and sport in the Territory, with two Gold Coast Suns matches and the Nightcliff Sea Breeze festival only days ago."

Northern Territory Government

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