Bothwell Agricultural Facilities Officially Open

Jo Palmer, Minister for Education

A purpose-built agricultural facility needed for year 11 and 12 students to complete their studies, has officially been opened in Bothwell.

Minister for Education, Jo Palmer, said the Tasmanian Liberal Government is committed to supporting more young people to take up studies in the sector, and to providing the facilities they need to undertake their Years 11-12 studies at their local school.

"That's why it was my pleasure to open Bothwell District School's Agricultural and Landcare Precinct today," Minister Palmer said.

"The new $2 million agricultural facilities include a new general learning area, agricultural food science area, farm produce processing area, amenities, storage, and outdoor learning area.

"A further $1.6 million was also invested in new Years 11-12 facilities at the school. These facilities include a new general learning space, quiet spaces, kitchenette and social space, staff study and amenities upgrades.

"This government has a Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, that's why we're investing in our schools."

The building contractor, Fairbrother, completed the works in just four months, with construction finalised late last year. Tasmanian architectural firm Tim Penny Architecture and Interiors designed the facilities, in collaboration with the school project team, and CDC Development also helped deliver the project.

"I congratulate the school and the project team for delivering these high-quality new facilities for our learners at Bothwell," Minister Palmer said.

"Provision of new agricultural learning facilities reaffirms our strong commitment to providing pathways for learners to careers in the primary industries."

Liberal member for Lyons, Mark Shelton, said Bothwell District School has close ties with the agricultural sector.

"Having these agricultural facilities in our schools provides a link for our students to primary producers, industry and community support for learning in agricultural education," Mr Shelton said.

"That's something incredibly important to our students attending this school."

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has also committed to a $2 million agricultural learning upgrade at Campbell Town District High School which will be completed later this year, and in 2022 major upgrades of the Jordan River and Sheffield School Farms were also completed.

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